Search and compare bulls on genetic merit with DeSireBull .
Australia’s new online search platform for cattle breeders.
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The DeSireBull difference Dynamically refine your search with our purpose built EBV Subgroups 80 100 60 0 40 20 Birth and Calving 80 100 60 0 40 20 Carcase 80 100 60 0 40 20 Efficiency 80 100 60 0 40 20 Growth 80 100 60 0 40 20 Fertility We simplify complex genetic data to show you where the value counts 100 50 0 Carcase 68% 38% SMALLER LARGER Eye Muscle Area ( 1% LEANER FATTER Rump Fat (mm) LOWER HIGHER Retail Beef Yield (%) 35% LOWER HIGHER Intramuscular Fat (%) 80% We summarise index components into a single star rating, so you can easily see how bulls stack up 25% LOWER GREATER AVG. $102 $125 INDEX MERIT Heavy Grain (HGrn) Heavy Grain (HGrn) Index INDEX RATING 3.5 100 50 0 76% 37% 10% 83% 70% 80 100 60 0 40 20 Birth and Calving 80 100 60 0 40 20 Carcase 80 100 60 0 40 20 Efficiency 80 100 60 0 40 20 Growth 80 100 60 0 40 20 Fertility Growth 83% Birthing and Calving 22% 100 50 0 Carcase 68% 38% SMALLER LARGER Eye Muscle Area ( 1% LEANER FATTER Rump Fat (mm) LOWER HIGHER Retail Beef Yield (%) 35% LOWER HIGHER Intramuscular Fat (%) 80% 25% LOWER GREATER AVG. $102 $125 INDEX RATING 3.5 Heavy Grain (HGrn) Index INDEX MERIT Heavy Grain (HGrn) 76% 37% 10% 70% 83% 100 50 0
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We can't squash the bulls into this display... yet! DeSireBull is built for larger screen sizes (min device width 998px). A mobile version is planned, but for now please use a desktop computer to search for bulls.
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